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Live music:邀請“The Summer Music” 慈善音樂機構演出 日期及時間:2023年3月19號,星期日,1700 開始,約1小時。 Live music  Ja


挪亞空間火箭計劃(Noah Space)『藝術文化發展』THE NOAH SPACE 

-連貫性虛擬與實體的藝術發展-虛擬藝術空間/ 沉浸式展覽

THE NOAH SPACE是一家連貫性虛擬與實體藝術空間,專注於圍繞藝術、設計和技術打造跨學科體驗。 它在數字現實和物理現實之間架起一座橋樑,同時審視技術與藝術和設計的關係。 它生產工具、設計和故事,其中以許多不同的方式反映了人與技術之間的聯繫。

THE NOAH SPACE is a studio, focused on producing interdisciplinary experiences around art, design and technology. It builds a bridge between the digital and the physical reality, while examining the relationship of technology with art and design. It produces tools, designs and stories in which the connection between the human and technology reflects in many different ways.


挪亞空間火箭計劃(Noah Space)『藝術文化發展』THE NOAH SPACE 

-連貫性虛擬與實體的藝術發展-虛擬藝術空間/ 沉浸式展覽

THE NOAH SPACE是一家連貫性虛擬與實體藝術空間,專注於圍繞藝術、設計和技術打造跨學科體驗。 它在數字現實和物理現實之間架起一座橋樑,同時審視技術與藝術和設計的關係。 它生產工具、設計和故事,其中以許多不同的方式反映了人與技術之間的聯繫。

THE NOAH SPACE is a studio, focused on producing interdisciplinary experiences around art, design and technology. It builds a bridge between the digital and the physical reality, while examining the relationship of technology with art and design. It produces tools, designs and stories in which the connection between the human and technology reflects in many different ways.


我們為自己製作的作品設計不同的體驗。 當我們創造故事時,在感知和體驗之間建立相互關係,我們避免意象和直接表達。 我們通過對我們作品的體驗來實現知識生產,我們的目標是讓參與者每次都能體驗到不同,並通過這些體驗進行分享和相遇。


我們在製作中設計多學科流程,將許多不同的學科和技術結合在一起,同時關注簡單性。 當我們開始一項新工作時,我們的目標是解決新問題,嘗試新技術並產生對工作的新看法。 在製作這個的同時,我們不斷地尋找、嘗試和檢查,以消除人、地點和時間之間的界限。

We design different experiences for the works we produce. While we create the stories establishing a mutual relation between the perceptions and experiences, we avoid imagery and direct expression. We enable knowledge production with experiences on our works which we aim that the participants experience a difference every time, and sharings and encounterings taken place by these experiences.

We design multidisiplinary processes on our productions and bring many different discipline and technique together while caring about simplicity. As we begin to a new work, our aim is to solve new problems, to try new techniques and to produce new perceptions about the work. While making this, we constantly search, try and examine in order to remove the borders between the human, place and time.

Let’s Work Together

地址﹕恒生青山道大廈 Hang Seng Castle Peak Road Building (港鐵長沙灣Cheung Sha Wan站,步行約5至8分鐘)

Tel: 70713350

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